Jett, Day 2, 5-7-16

Jett, Day 2

On our first Saturday together, we took Jett to the vet for what was his first actual visit beyond his trip to Operation Catnip several years before. Even though he had a clear skin issue, his previous humans didn’t take him to the vet to have it diagnosed. Based on what his previous family told […]

Operation Catnip screen

Operation Catnip of Gainesville

Operation Catnip of Gainesville is a local TNR program. T-N-R – Trap, neuter, return (also ‘trap, neuter, release’). These are programs popping up across the country. They coordinate volunteers and veterinary staff to trap local feral, stray, and community cats so they can be spayed/neutered, and given shots (rabies, feline leuk, feline HIV, etc.) and […]