Double Trip to the Vet

I noticed Little Bean had some bumps on her upper lip a week or so ago and didn’t think much of it. She acts timid but she throws down with her brothers like anyone else. I figured she bumped it.
But then she came and sat on my lap to cuddle and looked up at me with full duckface. Upper lip puffed out and distorting her profile. A little Googling brought me to a fantastic article about EGC.
First thing the next morning I called the vet for an appointment. And then I called back so I could bring Elusive for a look at her UTI. And hopefully get the girls both wormer pills.
Sure enough, Dr. Doll had a look at the swollen and hard duckface and suggested a gentle round of steroids to get it under control. Elusive was more of a challenge because we needed a urine sample and just had nothing to go on. They got their worming pills though. And we got Sammy (the dog’s) arthritis pills refilled.
While we were waiting for the pills and paperwork, another patient came in with her dog and two kids. The vet office is a big, echoing space and the kids immediately had a shrieking match. Mom yelled at them to stop eventually. They then started up chanting ‘puppyPUPPYpuppy’ for a while until they were shouted at to stop eventually. My cats were shivering and freaking out, and I could hear the dogs in the back of the clinic freaking out. I’m totally being judgy in that situation because my mom had The Look. And if that didn’t work, she had The Finger.
Anyhow, Little Bean took home tiny steroid pills (after I drove across town to pick them up), and I had a bag of fake litter, a vial, and a squeazy thing to suck up a urine sample from Elusive. And they were a few days away from being worm-free.
Although they chirped the whole way to the vet, they didn’t have a lot to say on the way home. One more round of stuff to add to the morning and night animal routine. Tiny pills to a tiny, cranky black kitteh.