Getting 8 Kittens Fixed

Fundraising is a challenge, but often the only option.
I can only offer a thousands thanks to our many fiends who like cats or like us enough to pretend. We are faced with getting eight kittens (going on teenagers) fixed for adoption. Even going to No More Homeless Pets: Operation Petsnip clinic was going to cost $640. Money we didn’t have but I was willing to put on a credit card if I had to.
The five kittens we had were starting to smell like cats, and the boys were nipping at their sister’s necks in a suspicious way. And all of our forays into possibly adoptions were met with “Are they fixed?” A very responsible question, but eye-opening for me. We needed these furballs nipped a.s.a.p.
I put out a call for help on Facebook for friends to help with donations to my PayPal account. Yes, I had looked at the crowd souring / crowd funding services, but I wanted to keep it simple. Over a few days we had reached the half-way point. Another few nudges on Facebook brought in almost the rest of the funds needed.
With a total of eight kittens, we needed each to get snipped ($50), rabies ($15), and parasites ($15). When I called to make the appointment or the two girls first, I was told we could get free microchips just for now because of a shared grant. Bingo!
Once these kids are fixed up, they’re going to be highly adoptable. All thanks to my lovely friends and family who pitched together to help us out.
Thanks to:
Margaret & Charlie
Amanda B.
Samba & Family
Fancine & Paul T.
Erica K.
Linne & Nicole
Damian B.
Nellie E.
Allyson D.
Katie C.
Sarah & Cameron
Kim Ann
Renee R.
[We are still $30 short but I am moving forward with getting all of the kittens fixed as soon as possible.]