Blog Fostering

Another Double Vet Visit

Sunday evening we noticed Charlie’s nose looked split and raw. The wet, squishy part of his nose. He looked like he was in a little pain, but it didn’t prevent him from running for his food bowl or jumping in the litter box while it was being cleaned. So I followed my 48-hour rule. If […]

Blog Fostering

Double Trip to the Vet

I noticed Little Bean had some bumps on her upper lip a week or so ago and didn’t think much of it. She acts timid but she throws down with her brothers like anyone else. I figured she bumped it. But then she came and sat on my lap to cuddle and looked up at […]


Getting 8 Kittens Fixed

Fundraising is a challenge, but often the only option. I can only offer a thousands thanks to our many fiends who like cats or like us enough to pretend. We are faced with getting eight kittens (going on teenagers) fixed for adoption. Even going to No More Homeless Pets: Operation Petsnip clinic was going to […]