
Rescue Cats & Other Adventures
Sophia loves the cat tree!


Sophia loves the cat tree!
Sophia loves the cat tree!

Sophia / Sophie

Gender: Female
Color: Black & White
Fur: Short
Born: Unknown/aprox 8 months
Mom: Unknown
Family: Unknown

Update: Adopted!

This is breaking news to everyone, including Sophia. I just stepped outside to shoo an opossum away from the colony cats’ food bowls, and an unfamiliar kitty head popped out of one of the kitty huts. I’m used to new cats scurrying away and hovering in the distance until the food bowls are filled up and I’m gone. But this little one joined the herd of regulars swirling around my ankles. I was first surprised by how friendly she was, and then by how small. I’d be surprised if she is six months old. Our current fosters are all around six months, and she’s tiny compared to them.

Since I still have quite a few fosters still needing homes (and my own cats) I was torn about what to do with her. But then I realized she was a girl, and I just couldn’t leave her out there to wander off and start cranking out more kittens (if she made it that far). Much to the dismay of my significant other, and my own cats, I brought this little girl inside. She was very polite and sweet, didn’t mind being held, and hasn’t said a peep about the other cats trying to sniff her all over. She will have to bunk up with Ginger and Saffron for a few days until I can get her in to be seen by a vet and nipped right away.

In the mean time, I need to get her fattened up a little, and cleaner. And hopefully I can find a home for this adorable little mustached girl!

*Update 11/21/14 – Sophia is recovering nicely from her surgery. She has a heating pad to keep her warm, and a nice quiet room to recuperate in. After a few days now, she is starting to show interest in all of the other cats in the house (but still nervous around the dog). She is eating well, and is mostly getting the hang of the litter box. She loves loves LOVES being held and pet and cuddled.

Health History

11/19/14 – Sophia got the full treatment by Operation Catnip. She got spayed (she was in heat), rabies shots, and treated for parasites. She also got a tiny bit of her left ear nipped as part of this free service. The vets didn’t find anything seriously wrong with her. They agreed she needed a good home where she would be fed and allowed to exercise since she is thinner and smaller than cats her age, and she lacks some muscle density.

1/1/15 – Sophia was adopted by a friend who has been sending updates on her improvement. Sophia has blossomed into a sweet and inquisitive kitty, and all it took was one big-hearted person willing to take a chance on a little furry face 🙂

Posts about Sophia

  • Sophia (11/16/2014) Temporary Name: Sophia Gender: Female Color: Black & White Fur: Short Born: Unknown/aprox 8 months Mom: Unknown Family: Unknown Update: Adopted! This is… Continue Reading