Katana “The Brave”

Temporary Name:
Katana, (a.k.a.) The Brave
Gender: Female
Color: Gray & white
Fur: Short
Born: Approximately 5/10/15
Mom: Magnolia
Family: 4 kittens
Update: Adopted!
Katana has been a brave and outgoing little girl since she arrived. She is super energetic, loves to play, and keeps her sisters going. She’s not afraid of much. Although she enjoys the kitty hammocks, she loves stretching out on the floor and sleep all sprawled out.
Health history:
When Katana arrived, she had a very crusty left eye. We didn’t see anything abnormal about her eyes but cleaned them for the first two days she was with us. We still keep a careful watch on her left eye, and clean it regularly just in case. It seems to be healing well and is less puffy every day. Otherwise she seems very healthy.
Update 8/28/15: Katana was officially adopted by her new family and loves her new friends!