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Max Spoon

Temporary Name: Max Max is 70 pounds of personality in a 7 pound kitty shape. He came to us completely unable to see, and terrified of humans, but within a week he became a happy, outgoing little dude. He’s friendly and demanding, always following people around and asking cuddles. Hint: He likes to be carried around, draped […]

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Pax Spoon

Temporary Name: Pax Pax is named after the Roman goddess of peace because she is a calm, peaceful, sweet girl. She loves to wrestle with her brothers, but she’s just as happy entertaining herself, or just having a nap. She starts off a little shy, but she loves being scritched and combed, and turns into […]

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Rex Spoon

Temporary Name: Rex Gender: Male Color: Black & White Fur: Short Born: Approximately 8/28/15 Rex was a big boy, and so active, that when he got sick and lost his vision, I was heartbroken for him. It took a little time to get a diagnosis, but we finally were told it was FIP, araremutation of a […]