The Cathouse Three
As part of the ongoing saga with my hoarding neighbor, I’ve been waiting to hear what happened to the three cats that Alachua County Animal Services liberated from the house. Last I heard they had seen a vet and were at the shelter. But nothing else.
This morning I got a call from Animal Services asking if I minded if the one-eyed male was released back into the neighborhood. What? Of course I don’t mind! I asked after the other two which turned out to be small females that were now in the system and up for adoption. Yippee.
Not long after that, two ladies from Gainesville Pet Rescue arrived with a cat in a box. We had a lovely conversation about feral cats, resources for animal advocates and activists in Alachua County, and how to handle issues that arose like kittens and colony food needs. Apparently GPR is heavily involved with helping the street cats and feral cats make their way out of the shelter alive.
I also immediately looked up the two female cats and put it out there on Facebook to get them circulating the interwebs. Fingers crossed that they get into good homes. All of the cats that came out of that house over the years are super people-friendly and love affection. Some are nervous about other cats.
The one-eyed male was released and I’ll be keeping my eye out for him (haha no pun intended!). And here are the ladies:
Zoey is at Animal Services (ZOEY – ID#A519957)

Zelda is at Animal Services (ZELDA – ID#A519956) This picture doesn’t do her justice!