
Rescue Cats & Other Adventures
He sleeps on his head a lot, 5-25-15

The Dude (a.k.a.) Little Fighter

Elegant kitty, 9-7-14

Temporary Name:

The Dude, (a.k.a.) Little Fighter

Gender: Male
Color: Black
Fur: Short
Born: Approximately 4/17/14
Mom: Lil Mamma
Family: 6 kittens


Update: The Dude was adopted by the perfect family and is doing well 🙂

Little Fighter got his name because he was the most fearless and playful of his siblings. He would take on two or three easily, and keep coming back for more when they played. He was one of the largest of the kittens, but as they were weaned, and had all of the kitten kibble they could eat, his siblings caught up with him.

He is almost pure black. His kitten fur was the most fluffy of the babies, and had little fine silver fur mixed in along his throat and belly. But as he grew older, he got more sleek fur, and now his eyes are turning a lovely gold that is popular in our neighborhood cats. His brother Spider is almost identical, with slightly less fluffy fur and eyes that are a little more grey.

As he grows up, he’s also becoming less aggressive. He’s much more willing to cuddle, and loves to be scritched on his back and neck. Because the kittens came to us with crusty eyes, we washed their eyes and faces with wet paper towels 3-4 times a day. Now these little guys love to have their whole faces stroked and petted.

He’s a bit territorial, so he would probably be best as an only cat, or with his sister, Elusive. But he is also used to having a lot of cats around, and our dog, plus all of our friends in and out, so he is also very tolerant of a variety of people in his house.

Note: As he grew up, we changed his name from Fighter to The Dude because he grew less assertive and more cool and cuddly. He’s a very people-oriented kitteh now, and likes to drape himself across your lap or talk to you as he follows you from room to room.

Health history:

8/27/14 – Neutered, rabies vaccine, flea/parasite treatment, and microchipped. (No More Homeless Pets: Operation Petsnip, www.nmhp.net) He had a minor infection after being neutered, but that cleared up and he’s back on all four paws, running around like always.

When these kittens came to us, they had very crusty eyes. It took a good week or two to get that under control. This little boy hasn’t shown signs of any returning issues.

Quick Details

Litter box: A [he has great aim but can’t always cover the business no mater how hard he tries]
Other cats: B [probably best with fewer cats]
Cuddling: A
Food: A+

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